
A blog by a SINGLE MUM for Single Mums and Panicking ladies who are pregnant and who do not know what to do.A series of articles, help contacts, personal experiences. Anyone with testimonials about single motherhood and their experiences are free to contribute. Email me at apollo.chocolate@gmail.com Nb: Blog newest entry on top, oldest entry at the end. Read in order to make sense =)

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Location: Singapore

I am Christ redeemed & blessed many folds more than I have been tried. =) I am the head not the tail, above not beneath, blessed in the city and in the country, my bread kneading bowl and bread basket are blessed and anointed, i rest in the shadow of the most high! I claim the promises of blessings in Deut 28, Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 over my life. I claim the blessing of Jabez and the double blessing Elisha and Benjamin received in my life. AMEN!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Single Motherhood

Recently, itz been very heart wrenching to read all these newspaper reports about young ladies who get pregnant out of wedlock and throw their kids into rubbish bins and off their flats.

I can empathise with them- the fear, anxiety and extreme stress they had to go through are not easily dealt with.

Having been in that situation before, all I can say is PERSEVERE.

It is so easy to just give up on hope and the future just because one obstacle is blinding you. But once you get pass it, you can see the bigger picture.

There are many of us out there who went through the same pain, the same dilema as you. Yet we stand here, a firm testimony that all is NOT lost.

You just have to look beyond today to see there is a tomorrow. It is one not filled with gloom, doom or sorrow but one that has the possibility to burst out in song, love, laughter and joy.

Like Neo, you're being asked to choose the red or blue pill.

So which will you choose?

Life and a Chance to find happiness?


Death and Regret?

And remember, it is not a choice that you are making just for yourself.
But also for the little one inside you.

But pity him/her... he/she cannot make the decision for his/her own life.

So make a fair one.

Don't work on a knee jerk reaction. Calm down and pray/meditate till you can think straight.
Not about suicide. Not about aborting straight away. Not about doing something stupid to yourself or about the end of the world.

There are a few options NOT just one (no thanks to those TV dramas where the actress aborts coz she has "no choice". Rubbish. We all have several. Choose wisely!)

- Abort and regret it. Maybe not have kids ever again if something goes wrong. Emotionally scarring and traumatic. I know people who've had an abortion and been screwed up by it. Can even die from complications.

- Leave the baby on a stair well/ Throw the baby off a flat or into the rubbish chute... STUPID STUPID THING TO DO. The Law will catch up with you and then what? All your life wasted on a horrible and cruel act of cowardice and sheer stupidity.

- Have the kid and give her away at birth to a couple who cannot have kids or would like to adopt. At least the kid will have a family to love her and treasure her if you can't do it because you don't want to or cannot. You will still have your freedom. If you are afraid of ridicule, book into one of the villas/hostels that will help you whilst you are there ( and have the kid whilst everyone is told that you are on a holiday/overseas internship...)

- Have the kid and keep him (whether your bf and your romance last through it). Find joy in his funny little moments and the way he loves his mummy lots. How he will make you laugh and make you glad you decided to keep him despite the odds. Your disapproving parents will forgive you and love the child very very much. Trust me - mine love my son so much they are bringing him to Melbourne for a holiday but not I LOL. =)

At the end of the day, put yourself in the Foetus's shoes and question your conscience.

An innocent life should not have to pay for your mistakes... especially your stupid ones.

I made a stupid mistake but I admitted to it and now I have a wonderful little boy whom I love so dearly and who makes me laugh when all I want to do is cry sometimes. =)

I have also found a wonderful man who loves the both of us and whose family welcomed my son with much love and kindness.

Never say never and never say anything is impossible.

Don't sell yourself short.

Now think about it.

Call the pregnancy hotline (6339 9770) and speak to the counsellors. They are really nice and will help you out and also help in mediation if that is required between you and your bf or between his family and yours. I went to them when I was pregnant.


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