
A blog by a SINGLE MUM for Single Mums and Panicking ladies who are pregnant and who do not know what to do.A series of articles, help contacts, personal experiences. Anyone with testimonials about single motherhood and their experiences are free to contribute. Email me at apollo.chocolate@gmail.com Nb: Blog newest entry on top, oldest entry at the end. Read in order to make sense =)

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Location: Singapore

I am Christ redeemed & blessed many folds more than I have been tried. =) I am the head not the tail, above not beneath, blessed in the city and in the country, my bread kneading bowl and bread basket are blessed and anointed, i rest in the shadow of the most high! I claim the promises of blessings in Deut 28, Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 over my life. I claim the blessing of Jabez and the double blessing Elisha and Benjamin received in my life. AMEN!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Single Mums should be helped- NTU Chronicle 1994... 11 years later....

Article from The Nanyang Chronicle in 1994. Just some one's view. 11 years later, is it any easier? Not sure as I have not tried applying for a flat yet. But when I do, it will be with my significant other who is not my kid's dad but whom my son calls Papa Bear very fondly.

Meanwhile, in society, the witch hunt continues. I've had people in Poly once tell me " Please don't call my house. My mother does not like single mothers." I called her about project work because her hp had been confiscated by her mum coz she oversused her hp. Was it thus my fault? A fellow Christian , she came up to say that with another groupmate (also a girl) and after that I was shunned. It was hurtful and mean. I think parents have a big part to play in this kind of behaviour so I did not fully blame her. I blame it on herd mentality, social conditioning and a less-than-gracious behaviour. Altho, I did feel that she should have empathised with my situation (I am not looking for pity or sympathy) and understood why I called her. Plus, I thought it was hypocritical to say I was brave to do what I did and then call me names behind my back.

But I take it in my stride. It is one of the trials and hurdles I face in our society but one I will face with my head held high because I am proud of my son and that I chose the road less travelled instead of one of cowardice.

Personally, I do not think premarital sex is ok altho I did it and I do not think it is right. But I think it is a correct step to give the innocent a right to live whether one decides to take full responsibility as a parent or allow another couple that privillege. Whilst I believe that parents should tell their kids it is wrong to engage in sex before they get married, I think they should ask them to look at people in our situation with more compassion and not to judge people by their circumstance but how well they face adversity and overcome it.

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