
A blog by a SINGLE MUM for Single Mums and Panicking ladies who are pregnant and who do not know what to do.A series of articles, help contacts, personal experiences. Anyone with testimonials about single motherhood and their experiences are free to contribute. Email me at apollo.chocolate@gmail.com Nb: Blog newest entry on top, oldest entry at the end. Read in order to make sense =)

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Location: Singapore

I am Christ redeemed & blessed many folds more than I have been tried. =) I am the head not the tail, above not beneath, blessed in the city and in the country, my bread kneading bowl and bread basket are blessed and anointed, i rest in the shadow of the most high! I claim the promises of blessings in Deut 28, Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 over my life. I claim the blessing of Jabez and the double blessing Elisha and Benjamin received in my life. AMEN!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

One NEW Source of HELP for SINGLE MUMS

For teens with child and the child in them

SMS 8111 3535 Call 1800-TEEN MOM (833 6666)

The issue of abandoned babies is one which has always been in the public eye. Stories of babies being abandoned in rubbish bins, thrown down rubbish chutes, left in boxes in void decks or even discovered floating in the sea are often read about in the newspapers.

In the past decade, the number of teenage pregnancies has also been significantly increasing. These youngsters, when faced with an unplanned pregnancy are often caught off-guard and unsure of what to do next. Their extremely vulnerable situation could lead them to experience an array of emotions such as guilt, fear, anger, etc which could cloud their judgment and lead them to take unfavourable steps.

Babes is a programme dedicated to helping these girls in need and providing them with the support they need. The emphasis is on nurturing responsible decision making based on the options open to them.

To provide a comprehensive service that will enable us to follow through adequately, Beyond is operating the programme in partnership with other agencies similarly concerned with this issue. They are Alife, Pregnancy Crisis Service both of which provide counselling; Project Cherub which provides case management services; Rose Villa and Andrew & Grace Home which provide shelter for pregnant teenagers; and KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

Reaching girls in need who may be too frightened or embarrassed to seek help will remain a constant challenge. So the programme utilises SMS, a youth friendly communication medium as a first point of contact. Once rapport is established, our outreach workers will meet the girl at a place she is comfortable with instead of asking her to come to the agency.

The Programme is also supported by an ongoing awareness effort that is youth friendly. These advertising, publicity and public relations efforts are supported by, Formul8, Über M &C, SMRT Ltd and Chart Radio, Perfect 10 –98.7 FM on a voluntary basis.


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