
A blog by a SINGLE MUM for Single Mums and Panicking ladies who are pregnant and who do not know what to do.A series of articles, help contacts, personal experiences. Anyone with testimonials about single motherhood and their experiences are free to contribute. Email me at apollo.chocolate@gmail.com Nb: Blog newest entry on top, oldest entry at the end. Read in order to make sense =)

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Location: Singapore

I am Christ redeemed & blessed many folds more than I have been tried. =) I am the head not the tail, above not beneath, blessed in the city and in the country, my bread kneading bowl and bread basket are blessed and anointed, i rest in the shadow of the most high! I claim the promises of blessings in Deut 28, Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 over my life. I claim the blessing of Jabez and the double blessing Elisha and Benjamin received in my life. AMEN!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

3D + 4D pictures of foetus- links

Amazing 3D/4D pictures of foetus and different stage of growth during pregnancy. Amazing. I swear, had anyone shown me these, I would have never even dared to contemplate aborting. I contemplated but I knew I could not and would not do such a heinous act. Thank God because I have a real angel of a son, Kaelen, as a result. He is a blessing and he is not an accident. Never believed he was and will never believe that he is.... Check this out:



And then just pray. In the meantime, these are other stories...

Angie's Story

I had an abortion right after I graduated from high school. Up until that point, abortion was something that I thought was all wrong and judged people for. I was with my boyfriend for a few years and we were having premarital sex. I got pregnant shortly after graduation. I was having problems with my boyfriend at the time and I was scared that I would be depressed in front of my baby like my mom used to be in front of me. Also, I was incredibly selfish and felt that I needed my career first. I cried for a month and went back and forth on the decision. I even made several appointments that I ended up missing. Finally, it was coming down to the wire and I needed to make a decision. I found out that my boyfriend was cheating and that was all the fuel I needed to "just do it". The rest is history...a long, painful, never-ending history that I will never be able to take back.

I have a 6 month old daughter now. Her brother or sister is/would have been 6 years old now. Now that I see the miracle of my healthy baby girl and remember the magic of my pregnancy with her and how I enjoyed every single month of my pregnancy...I finally realized just how huge the mistake I made really was. I've been in pain, behind my decision, for the last 6 years of my life...but it wasn't as great as it is now. I know that the LORD has forgiven me, but I fear that no amount of time on this Earth will ever heal my suffering. I feel lost without my child, whom I've named "Angel", for obvious reasons.

I've felt a sense of loss ever since that dreadful day when I went in that clinic with a hot head and came out with an empty heart. I urge anyone that is thinking about an abortion to simply NOT do it. It is a powerful stain in your spiritual history that you will NEVER get a second chance to do over. Your baby needs you and if you can not care for your child then there is someone else who will lovingly take your child in. There is a piece of my heart missing and I must live with what I have done for the rest of my life. You don't have to. Please, I beg of you...Let your unborn children live. GOD will provide a way for you.

Ashley's Story

My name is Ashley, and I am from Minnesota USA. I am due in November. How I found out I was pregnant was that I went to the local Planned Parenthood ((right across from my HIGHSCHOOL may I add...kinda sad, huh? )) with a friend, to support her because she was going to have a pregnancy test done. Something inside of me told me to get one done too, so I did. After peeing in a cup and waiting for about what seemed like forever, the nurse called my name first..I followed her into a examing room, and she told me I tested postive. She did not say "Would you like info on adoption?, would you like info or some numbers to call about child support, housing, etc" instead she said, as she handed me a folded yellow paper "there are some numbers on there, to have an abortion... but we like to call it terminating the pregnancy...do you think you are going to do that?"

Still in shock, crying, I took the paper but nodded "no", I knew what my mind was telling me...but my heart was saying something else. So after I went home, I sat on that "abortion" thing for a while, and I got something from a man named Chet in the mail, about abortions...out of the blue! It showed the picture of baby Malachi. Right then and there, I couldn't take it..or THINK of having an abortion! EVER! That baby would have been close to my sister Alana's age, which I cried. I vowed if I where to have a boy, in honor of him, my son's name would be Malachi.

I did however, find out I am having a baby girl. I am sad that Malachi was forced to have his little young life end, but In away..I am thankful for him, and his death. Because without baby Malachi's picture...my little daughter probably wouldn't be still alive. I love that tiny 21 week aborted Malachi, for the gift he has saved. He is a blessing on me, and I do, thank him, and I also thank the pro-lifers who found him, and who cleaned him up so that people could see the BODY..and not just the blood...the fact he was so cleaned up, I think is what really get's mothers. You see he isn't a blob, or just a "thing", but infact, he WAS a BABY! and I thank them for taking his picture...without that, one life probably would have been lost..and another soul ((me)), would be pro-choice... so, THANK YOU PRO-LIFERS! THANK YOU! You ARE helping!

Leigh Ann was discharged from the clinic 20 minutes after her abortion, according to a lawsuit filed by her husband. Within six hours, he said, he called the facility to report that Leigh Ann was suffering pain and fever. She died about 18 hours after the clinic had sent her home. Death was attributed to hemorrhagic shock from an unrecognized uterine perforation.

Jordiana's Story

I'm 17 and i just had a baby a month ago. I gave him up for adoption. I'm very close with his parents and will be able to watch him grow up and he will know I'm his mother. I think back when I was considering abortion... as a choice... but life shouldn't lie in a mother's hands to decide... Jordan deserverd a chance ...he's here because of a choice I made.... and he's going to live a happy life.... full of love... because I wouldnt let no one hurt him...


Quick Answers

When does the unborn baby’s heart begin to beat?
The baby’s heartbeat begins between the eighteenth and twenty-fifth day after conception.

When does the brain begin to function?
Electrical brain waves have been recorded as early as forty days after conception.

How early can a baby survive outside the mother’s womb?
Currently, twenty weeks is considered the accepted minimum. However, this time will be reduced as medical technology continues to improve.

How many abortions have there been?
There have been 46,000,000 abortion in the United States alone since 1973. 1/3 of generation Y was aborted as well as 1/4 of the current generation.

What about cases of rape and incest?
It is important to realize that pregnancy due to a rape is very, very rare. Abortions due to rape may account for only up to 5% of the 46,000,000+ abortions done in the United States since 1973—certainly not a high enough percentage from which to make laws which legalize all abortions! However, even in these rare situations abortion is not the answer. Abortion does not take away what has happened to the rape victim—she will still have been raped, whether or not she has an abortion. What must be decided now is this: should the unborn baby suffer because of the circumstances regarding her conception? The answer is no. A baby conceived from a rape is just as much of a baby conceived of love—she develops like every other person. The only 2 major studies done of girls who became pregnant after rape and incest revealed the majority of victims chose not to abort their babies. None of these girls, who either kept their babies or placed them in adoption, regretted their decision. Of the girls who chose abortion,. 95% of them regretted their choice to abort.

But what about the child with disease who will die a slow death or live his life as a burden to his family?
While situations such as these are tragic and emotional, many times people who experience the birth of a child with a disease will find that their child still lived a victorious, fulfilled life. Remember: even a life that is short is a life. As a people, we cannot start to kill the people who are a burden or who are different. This leads the way to more dangerous roads such as euthanasia of the mentally disabled or senior citizens because they are not deemed “as valuable” as people who call themselves “normal”. There are many people with diseases and disabilities who are glad that they were at least given the chance to live—and that is a chance that everyone, regardless of their health condition, should be given.

What about the population boom?
The image of an exploding world population is false. In most developed nations, populations are growing because people are living longer and because of immigration—but the birthrate is actually dropping. In fact, today no European nation has a birthrate high enough to sustain its population. According to the latest U.S. Census and United Nations data, birthrates worldwide are down forty percent since the fifties, and continue to fall. The Social Security Administration estimates that in the next fifteen years, the senior citizen population in the U.S. will grow 100 percent, but the population of Americans ages 20 to 64 will grow only 15 percent. The problems that accompany an elderly population are already felt in China, where the population is not maintained by the birthrate, and many young people find themselves having to provide, on their own, for two parents and four grandparents.

How can a girl give up her own baby for adoption and go through life never knowing what is happening to her child?
While placing a baby in an adoptive home may be hard at first, it is also extremely rewarding. With adoption, everyone wins: the baby, the mother and the couple adopting. But with abortion no one wins: the baby is aborted, the mother chooses to lay her body down for the procedure that will kill her child and a couple who wanted to give that baby a loving home will never see him or her.

There are different kinds of adoptions available to mothers needing to place their babies in a secure and loving home. If a mother wishes to follow the life of her baby in his or her new home, she can opt for an open adoption in which she keeps regular contact with the family and her child as they grow. Above all, we must remember that adoption is a courageous, loving act by the birth-mother, not a hurtful thing. Adoption affirms life while abortion affirms death.


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